Sort by Nachname Reihenfolge Asc Desc Apply JonasWerner Postdoc INF Medical Center - University of Freiburg ZhendaWang Doctoral researcher (PhD) A08 Helmholtz Munich SamuelWald Doctoral researcher (PhD) B03 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AlfWachsmann Senior research staff INF Helmholtz Munich Anna-LenaUllrich Doctoral researcher (PhD) A01 RWTH University Aachen YaminiTripathi Doctoral researcher (PhD) A05 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research NataliaTorow Postdoc A01 RWTH University Aachen JustineSmout Postdoc A05 Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research RaminShakiba Doctoral researcher (PhD) B05 LMU Munich AlinaSemenjakin Doctoral researcher (PhD) A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg KarinSchuller Postdoc INF Helmholtz Munich JillSchmidt Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg SamahSarout Doctoral researcher (PhD) B03 Medical Center - University of Freiburg CandiceRaynaud Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 RWTH University Aachen KaushikkRavi Doctoral researcher (PhD) B05 LMU Munich MichaelRauer Postdoc Z01 Medical Center - University of Freiburg JoachimPircher Postdoc B09 LMU Munich JonasPes Doctoral researcher (PhD) A01 RWTH University Aachen SusannePangratz-Führer Postdoc B06 LMU Munich AlexanderOschwald Doctoral researcher (PhD) A04 Medical Center - University of Freiburg RaymondOkokoh Doctoral researcher (PhD) A03 University of Würzburg University Hospital Würzburg DavidObwegs Doctoral researcher (PhD) A04 Medical Center - University of Freiburg KatrinNussbaumer Doctoral researcher (PhD) B02 LMU Munich JanaNeuber Doctoral researcher (PhD) A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg SadiqNasrah Postdoc B05 LMU Munich HamsaNarasimhan Doctoral researcher (PhD) B05 LMU Munich Zohreh MansooriMoghadam Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AlessandroMattia Doctoral researcher (PhD) B06 LMU Munich TiagoMartins Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AnneLößlein Postdoc A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg FlorensLohrmann Postdoc A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg HuanLiu Postdoc B09 LMU Munich NicolasLichilin Postdoc B06 LMU Munich XiaLi Doctoral researcher (PhD) B07 LMU Munich PaulineKuschel Doctoral researcher (PhD) B06 LMU Munich AleksandraKurova Doctoral researcher (PhD) B02 LMU Munich LinusKriegl Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AlexandraKlein Doctoral researcher (PhD) A03 University Hospital Würzburg TheodorosKapellos Postdoc A08 Helmholtz Munich SafouaneKadri Postdoc A08 Helmholtz Munich FlorianJaudas Postdoc B09 LMU Munich MotaHeydarian Postdoc A08 Helmholtz Munich JuliaHeckmann Doctoral researcher (PhD) A03 University of Würzburg PiaGrimpe Doctoral researcher (PhD) A05 Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg VitkaGres Postdoc A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AndreasGoschin Doctoral researcher (PhD) A07 MerveGöcer Doctoral researcher (PhD) A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg NisreenGhanem Doctoral researcher (PhD) B03 HanGao Postdoc B01 Medical Center - University of Freiburg JulianFischer Doctoral researcher (PhD) A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg ArianaFedotova Doctoral researcher (PhD) A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg MarleenEckert Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AlineDupont Postdoc A01 RWTH University Aachen ClarissaDöring Doctoral researcher (PhD) B03 Medical Center - University of Freiburg AgnibeshDey Doctoral researcher (PhD) A06 Medical Center - University of Freiburg BikramDasgupta Postdoc B04 Helmholtz Munich JuliaBoehme Postdoc A05 Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg SebastianBaasch Postdoc A02 Medical Center - University of Freiburg DogusAoeltunoez Doctoral researcher (PhD) B05 LMU Munich AmirhosseinKardoost Postdoc Z01 Helmholtz Munich