
Effects of neonatal wildling microbiota on the immune response to vaccination

Graphical abstract for Project A07

In this project, we study the impact of the microbiota on the neonatal vaccine-induced germinal center reaction. The proposal is based on our fundamental discoveries that “wildling” mouse microbiota tune systemic immunity in a way that better reflects human immune responses than microbiota found under specific-pathogen-free conditions.

The project explores the impact of wild microbiota 1) on the capacity of dendritic cells from young mice to mediate T cell help in influenza infections and 2) on vaccination.



Circulating NK cells establish tissue residency upon acute infection of skin and mediate accelerated effector responses to secondary infection

Tommaso Torcellan, Christin Friedrich, Rémi Doucet-Ladevèze, Thomas Ossner, Virgínia Visaconill Solé, Sofie Riedmann, Milas Ugur, Fabian Imdahl, Stephan P. Rosshart, Sebastian J. Arnold, Mercedes Gomez de Agüero, Nicola Gagliani, Richard A. Flavell, Simone Backes, Wolfgang Kastenmüller, Georg Gasteiger