Mangge Zou, Joern Pezoldt, Juliane Mohr, Lars Philipsen, Andrea Leufgen, Vuk Cerovic, Carolin Wiechers, Marina Pils, Diego Ortiz, Lianxu Hao, Juhao Yang, Michael Beckstette, Aline Dupont, Mathias Hornef, Petra Dersch, Till Strowig, Andreas J. Müller, Jens Raila, Jochen Huehn 

Gut-draining mesenteric and celiac lymph nodes (mLNs and celLNs) critically contribute to peripheral tolerance toward food and microbial antigens by supporting the de novo induction of regulatory T cells (Tregs). These tolerogenic properties of mLNs and celLNs are stably imprinted within stromal cells (SCs) by microbial signals and vitamin A (VA), respectively. Here, we report that a single, transient gastrointestinal infection in the neonatal, but not adult, period durably abrogates the efficient Treg-inducing capacity of celLNs by altering the subset composition and gene expression profile of celLNSCs. These cells carry information about the early-life pathogen encounter until adulthood and durably instruct migratory dendritic cells entering the celLN with reduced tolerogenic properties. Mechanistically, transiently reduced VA levels cause long-lasting celLN functional impairment, which can be rescued by early-life treatment with VA. Together, our data highlight the therapeutic potential of VA to prevent sequelae post gastrointestinal infections in infants.